To issue a measurement application please follow the link Application Form. You can know the state of your application in the waiting list by sending an email to
In the application form, required fields are: user name, main researcher, project, requested time and instrument. Also, it is recommended to provide the information regarding the experiment details (option, temperature range …) since it would be useful for the Service Staff to schedule the experimental time.
It is compulsory to read and accept the Safety Regulations.
Non-registered users are allowed to apply for experimental time just selecting the user name “Añadir Usuario”. In this case, the field ‘observaciones’ should contain information regarding the name and surname of the new user and main researcher as well as, email and phone contact details.
External users (Research Institutions, Companies and Particulars ) should previously request a quotation of the experiment by contacting the service technical manager (
The user is allocated the requested “experimental time” on the instrument to conduct his/her experiments. In this case, the user is the responsible of the correct running of the entire experimental process, under the technical support of the Service Staff. The Service Staff may also accomplish the experiment, upon request. Measurement, physical interpretation of the results and scientific reports are offered. In this case, the Service Staff keeps tracking of the experiment. Though this option is mainly suited for Companies, is also available for Scientists.
Once the application form has been submitted, the Service Staff will contact the user to schedule the experiment and arrange the experimental details.
In order to access the laboratory the user borrows from the Service the laboratory key and the safety alarm code.
You can know the state of your application in the waiting list by sending an email to
At any time, users can see the applications they have pending by logging in with their username and password at and selecting -New application for benefits- in the Physical Measurements Service, as when they make a new application.
In this section, claims can be edited to indicate the hours of measurement and the He consumed during the measurements, or at least the data known at the time of starting.
Users can also view the data that the service records of their measurements up to the moment when the delivery note is issued.