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Physical Measurements Service
VSM (Vibrating Sample Magnetometer)
The VSM (Vibrating Sample Magnetometer) option for the PPMS is a fast and sensitive DC magnetometer. The basic measurement is accomplished by oscillating the sample inside a detection (pickup) coil and synchronously detecting the voltage induced. The system is able to resolve magnetization changes of less than 10-6 emu at a data rate of 1 Hz thus allowing fast data acquisition. That makes this option suitable for taking data while sweeping magnetic field and/or temperature. This option does not measure AC susceptibility.
Temperature range: 1.9 K to 400 K
Magnetic field range: 0 to ± 9 T, ± 14 T
Samples: Liquid, powder, film, pellet *
Sample Holders::
Brass trough-shaped sample holder: capsules or glued samples.
Magnetic moment measured using the vibrating sample magnetometry technique.
Magnetic moment: 10-6 emu a 10 emu **
Magnetic moment: 1s to 10s ***
Allows automatic measurements while sweeping magnetic field (hysteresis cycles) and/or temperature.
* Accurate results require samples to have a small vertical size L < 0.7 cm ** Maximum magnetic moment limited by sample oscillating amplitude. *** Typical averaging time